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Scholarship Interview: Adrianne Ansley
Elizabeth Rose
Where Are They Now?
ADRIANNE ANSLEY, DANCER/CHOREOGRAPHIC ARTIST AND COMMNUNITY ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR IN NEW YORK CITY  Adrianne Ansley was born and raised in Sarasota and is a graduate of the Booker High School VPA program.  Awarded a FASS college scholarship in 2011, Adrianne attended Santa Fe College in Gainesville and then earned her Bach...
Art at the Van Wezel
Nanette Crist
The Arts
I suspect I'm not the only person guilty of rushing into a theater without taking the time to enjoy my surroundings. Sure, I'll notice the architectural elements of the performance space, but it's unlikely I'll walk the building to check out the art. And when it comes to the Van Wezel, there's definitely some art worth enjoying. Happily, the Fine A...