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Scholarship Interview: Shaina Helm, Studio Art

 SHAINA HELM – FASS Scholarship recipient in 2011

Awarded Bachelor of Arts Degree in Studio Art and Psychology, Florida State University - 2015 Awarded Master's Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis, University of South Florida - 2018

Like we hear so often from our Fine Arts Society Scholars, Shaina Helm's childhood was filled with access to explore and train in many aspects of the arts. She studied classical and lyrical ballet for nine years at Dance Theatre of Bradenton, stopping only when she discovered her passion for visual arts. She notes, "In elementary school I would pass the time in after-school care drawing. The positive reinforcement I received gave me encouragement to continue to develop that talent and pursue art."

Although Shaina discontinued taking ballet class, ballet images and ballerinas appear often in her work. Her painting of the three ballerinas in red raised over $1,000 when it sold at the Education
Foundation's Evening of Excellence live auction. The money raised provided funds to support the Sarasota County public school system. And in 2010, Shaina created original art in exchange for donations to raise money for Haiti Relief following the devastating earthquake. Isn't it wonderful when the arts can fund other worthy causes?

Shaina attended Booker High School and the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) program helped prepare her for studying fine art at the college level. "The curriculum at Booker allows for ½ of the school day to be for art. By the time I arrived at FSU, I already had a comprehensive introduction to the foundations of art plus the technical skills and experience that put me ahead of other students," says Shaina. She adds, "My BA degree in Studio Art is based on broad ranges of art, not just one specific focus." You can see the results of this broad scope of techniques shown on Shaina's website including oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings; ink illustrations; mixed media; pencil drawings; digital art and sculpture. The three works shown with this interview are all there, including the patterned digital self-portrait of Shaina with a snake in her hair. That work was created from a photograph and, if you're wondering, yes, Shaina did have a live snake on her head.

More recently, Shaina earned her Master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis and graduated from University of South Florida in 2018. She lives in Bradenton and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst working with children ages 2-15 diagnosed with disorders on the autism spectrum. "I don't use art per se in my daily therapy work," she says, "but it is one of the tools in my toolbox for connecting with clients. It's important that clients like spending time with me, so when I draw a figure they like, it lays a cornerstone for the foundation of the therapy process."

"While I'm still very much a painter, my therapy work is very rewarding and commands 40-60 hours per week of my time. I created 6 or 7 new works last year and will do commissions as time allows," says Shaina. 

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